The Final Conference of HearMe Project took place on the 29th and 30th of September in Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Two days of conference gathered museum educators, experts and teachers from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia and introduced participants to a new approach in museum education for bringing youth and museums together. After the introductory part of the conference, participants were involved in HearMe workshop with two paintings from the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The Project coordinators from the National Gallery of Slovenia, the Gallery of Matica srpska, the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the SISE organization presented the Project, its aims and structure, as well as the BRICKme methodology used in the workshops. The last part of the conference was reserved for creative work of participants where they designed a workshop for their museum using the new approach presented at the conference. They were also introduced to a dissemination material they can use for future work − the Museum Manual HearMe and Massive Online Open Course about the implementation of the HearMe workshops.
The Final conference was live streamed and it is available on the Facebook and Youtube page of the Project.
Within the project HearMe. Bringing youth and museums together, the Gallery of Matica srpska organizes a lecture for high school teachers on Thursday, 2nd of February in High school „Isidora Sekulić“ (Vladike Platona 2). Since one of the important aims of the project is to spread experience and transfer new knowledge, the Gallery of Matica srpska organizes a lecture on innovative interaction methods in teaching for professional development of high school teachers. The lecture will be led by Daniel Weiss Gimenez from the ISES organizations from Spain. Daniel, as a trainer and game designer, deals with different workshop methods which can inspire young people to think critically and be socially responsible. Fun and games as a core of his work, can trigger everyone’s motivation and creativity. Through his experience with young people, he created Brick methodology which consists of different workshop methods like Lego Serious Play, Design Thinking, Gamification, My heroes journey, Оpen art dialogue and more.
Within the project HearMe. Bringing youth and museums together, the Gallery of Matica srpska organizes a seminar for museum professionals, to be held on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 from 11:00 to 18:00 at the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection (Trg galerija 2, Novi Sad, Serbia). As the Gallery of Matica srpska is currently under reconstruction, our neighbor museum, the Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection provided us the venue. Since one of the important aims of the project is to spread experience and transfer new knowledge for the purpose of professional development of museum professionals, the Gallery of Matica srpska organizes the seminar on innovative interaction methods with the museum audiences. The seminar will be led by one of the partners of the project - Daniel Weiss and David Gimenez from the ISES organizations from Spain, thanks to which the National Gallery of Slovenia, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and the Gallery of Matica srpska adopted the Building Resilience Innovating Co-Creation Knowledge methodology ( and created workshops for high school students. The aim of the seminar is for the professionals in the field of museum education and work with the museum audiences to learn about the different ways of running a workshop like Lego Serious Play, Design Thinking, Gamification, My heroes journey, Open art dialogue, which all comprise the Brick methodology.
Галерија Матице српске организује семинар за професоре гимназија и средњих школа у суботу 29. октобра 2016. године од 11.00 до 14.00 сати, поводом реализације радионица за младе у оквиру европског пројекта HearMe. Bringing youth and museums together. Циљ семинара је да се професори упознају са радионицама које ће бити реализоване у Галерији Матице српске од децембра 2016. године до јуна 2017. године. Такође, на овај начин желимо да подстакнемо професоре да са својим ученицима узму учешће у радионицама и да их у оквиру наставе доведу у Галерију.
11.00 сати – поздравна реч др Тијане Палковљевић Бугарски, управнице Галерије Матице српске
11.15 сати – представљање Галерије Матице српске и пројекта HearMe
11.30 сати – упознавање са уметничким делима која ће бити коришћена на радионицама
12.00 сати – упознавање са методологијом BrickMe
12.30 сати – пауза за ручак
13.00 сати – примена методологије и повезивање са уметничким делима и друштвеним феноменима
За учешће у семинару потребно је да пријавите професоре на телефон 021/4899014 или 021/4899018, или путем мејла
Семинар ће водити кустоси и педагози Галерије Матице српске обучени за примену BrickMe методологије.
Реализацију семинара су омогућили Европска комисија у оквиру програма Креативна Европа и Министарство културе и информисања Републике Србије.